Wednesday 5 November 2014

Research data on students attitudes towards blogging.

127 students were asked if they used some form of blogging at home. The results are as follows.

The same students were also asked whether or not they would be willing to use blogs in a learning environment. The results are as follows.

From this information, although from a very small sample size, you can see that there is a willingness to use blogging in class, as well as prior knowledge on how blogging works, suggesting the learning curve being quite small.

Blog post example. The skeletal system! (written blog)

Today in class we learnt about the skeletal system! The class was really interactive and Mr Pedini even had a skeleton he used who was dressed in a lab coat and safety goggles he called skinny! We learnt the different names of the bones in the body by writing the names on post-it notes and sticking them on the skeleton. We then drew and labeled out own skeleton. This one is mine (Im pretty sure all the bone names are correct).

I also learnt about the three main function of the human skeleton which i thought was really interesting. They are

  1. Protection of the organs like the heart, lungs and brain.
  2. Movement! 
  3. Support - So we don't fall in a big pile of skin and organs.

John John

Guidelines for commenting on other students blogs

You are all very much encouraged to participate in other students blogs, it is an important way of sharing your thoughts and information with the peers in your class. However, when commenting you must follow the following rules:

  1. Your comments should be about the post you are commenting on
  2. All comments should be clean. No bad language or inappropriate images should be used
  3. Your comments should be constructive. This means you should be commenting on either what you think about the post, similar posts you have talked about in your blog, etc.
  4. At no time should any comments be offensive or rude, if you don't have anything appropriate to comment about, don't comment at all.
Again, I expect all students becoming involved in each others learning process!

Mr Pedini

Guidelines for student blogging

Hello students. Your blogs are going to be an open space for you and your peers to follow along and reflect on your learning process regarding the content we cover in class. This will be your personal space and you will be encouraged to upload your ideas, thoughts and feeling about your work. You should also post relevant information about the things you have learnt so they can be used as a revision tool later in the semester.

The rules for posting on your blog are quite simple and must be followed,

  1. Your posts must be relevant to the work being covered in class. You can still include pictures and videos and how you feel about the work, but we don't want to know what you had for lunch.
  2. All your posts must be clean. This means that no inappropriate images or language should be used on your blog at anytime.
  3. No student or other members of the school should be referred to in a negative way. Your blog is for learning and following along with your progress.
If any of these rules are broken, your blog post will be taken down and your behaviour will be dealt with appropriately. 

Can't wait to see everyone get started. All the best!

Mr Pedini.